Student Demographics:
Presently we have 712 students, 7 students are of Asian Pacific decent, 203 students are Black, 77 Hispanic, 0 Indian, 44 Multi-racial, 381 white. We have 151 students on Free lunch, 29 on reduced lunch and 87 are direct certified. We also have 29 homeless students. We have 20 English Limited Language students.
South Ocala Elementary hosts the districts Deaf/Hard of Hearing classes a Pre-K and a K-5 unit. We also have a self contained varying exceptionalities unit and a self contained PreK developmentally delayed unit. We offer inclusion and resources for students who are in a general education setting in need of ESE services. Presently South Ocala services 154 ESE students.
Class Size
In keeping with the State of Florida classroom reduction requirements South Ocala has a 1:18 ratio in grades K-2, and a 1:22 ratio in grade 3-5.
Academic Performance of Feeder Pattern
South Ocala Elementary School feeds to Osceola Middle School, Belleview Middle School and Howard Middle School.